Empty Bowls Houston

The 19th Annual Empty Bowls Houston was held at Houston Center for Contemporary Craft on Saturday, March 22nd, 2025.


We are so excited to report that the 19th annual Empty Bowls Houston was a huge success! As a result of the event sponsors, preview party, event day, farmers market pop-ups, etc., to date this year’s event has raised…


This is an all-time high for the event and will provide 241,800 meals to the community!

This number will also increase following the next related event which is the Archway Gallery Empty Bowls Invitational Exhibition & Sale being held April 5-30. For more information please visit www.archwaygallery.com

A huge thank you to everyone who made the event possible: our amazing volunteer committee, the artists who made and donated the incredible bowls, our event sponsors, and everyone who attended the event and purchased bowls. Every single one of you made an impact and we are grateful!

Location: 4848 Main Street, Houston, Texas 77002

Bowl donation locations:

2025 Musical Performances

Empty Bowls 2025 featured musical performances from:

Jackrabbit Florist's Taco Truck

Jackrabbit Florist’s Taco Truck at 10AM

Alan Yarborough

Alan Yarborough at 11AM


Petesimple at 12PM

Joe Crump

Joe Crump at 1PM

Chelsea Beech

Chelsea Beech at 2PM

Upcoming Events

Ways to Get Involved

Donate Bowls

Make and donate bowls to help provide food for better lives!

Dates for drop-off for 2025 event:

Make A Donation

Your gift will help provide food and hope to children, families and seniors facing food insecurity.


Give the gift of your time by volunteering at Empty Bowls Houston .

Thank You to Our 2025 Sponsors

Three red lines curved to form a circle sit atop blue text stating "Houston Center For Contemporary Craft"
Black text on a white background stating "Archway Gallery"
Black text on white background stating "Patterson & Murphy Public Relations"
Black text on a white background with the title "The University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center" with the word cancer marked out with a red line. Tag line states "Making Cancer History"
Black text on a white background stating "Ceramic Store"
Sysco Nourishing Neighbors
Third Coast Clay
Katz Coffee
Republic Services

Andy and Virginia Bally

PLK 1848

Empty Bowls Houston Contacts

Samantha Oldham

Houston Food Bank
Sean Crowl

Paula Murphy

If you are interested in becoming a 2025 Empty Bowls Houston sponsor, please contact Sean Crowl at 713-817-4751.

2025 Sponsorship Opportunities are now filled.