Hunger Action Month
Hunger Action Month

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September is Hunger Action Month

Food insecurity can happen to anyone, regardless of age, background, or job. Life’s challenges – an unexpected job loss, a medical crisis, or rising living costs – can quickly leave anyone struggling to put food on the table. It’s a problem that hides in plain sight, affecting people we know. About 1 million people in southeast Texas don’t have enough food to eat to stay healthy.

To raise awareness about the important issue of hunger and to inspire action, Houston Food Bank and hunger relief organizations across the country have designated September as Hunger Action Month. Learn about Hunger Action Month, sign up for events, volunteer, donate and share this page.

Read our neighbors’ stories about food insecurity.

Your Neighbor



Stories of Hunger - Olu


What Causes Food Insecurity?

Food insecurity is driven by not having an affordable home, access to healthcare, and finding a good job that pays enough. When life gets tough and costs keep rising, many people find themselves making heartbreaking choices. Do you remember a time when you had to cut back on groceries because everything else was just too expensive? Or maybe you know someone who has faced this challenge. It’s a tough reality for far too many people, and one fraught with myths and misapprehensions. You can learn more about food insecurity and common misconceptions here.

A family in front of their house
a chef cooking a meal
Take Action


The Houston Food Bank’s Hunger Game is a competition in which groups of all sizes compete against each other to provide food for better lives within our community. Groups compete to raise the most meals by donating time, food, and funds. There will be two awards. The Overall Award will recognize the group who generates the most meals. The Per Capita Award will recognize the group who generates the most meals per group member.

Hunger Game Details

Take the Tough Choices Challenge

Families experiencing food insecurity have to decide what to pay for instead of food. Try our Tough Choices exercise and see if you can afford enough nutritious foods for your family after you pay for your other basic needs.

Scenario: You are a family of four. You and your spouse are the parents to Sarah who is 9 years old and in the 4th grade, and Bryan who is 3. You work full-time as a warehouse worker and make $12/hour ($1,920 gross/month). Your spouse works as a personal care aid for $10.50/hr where Sarah goes to school. Your spouse makes $10.5/hour ($1,680 gross/month). Your family’s combined total income each month is $3,600, which is about $30,600 per year after taxes. Can you make necessary life decisions on housing, transportation, childcare and household/food needs — and not to run out of money? Take the challenge.

*includes utilities, phone, and internet, $422

Now, imagine an emergency happened.

Your family has no health insurance:

Average cost of emergency room visit in Texas is $2,318.

Average emergency root canal is $1,000.

a car accident

Vehicle emergency:

You have a car accident. You have a $500 deductible.

Your alternator goes out, average cost $800.

What was left in your budget?

Food becomes your flexible choice; buying cheaper less nutritious food or not eating so at least your children can.

Food insecurity is driven by economic insecurity – high housing costs, low wages, public benefits that end before families are making a stable wage. This only changes when together we advocate for #changeforbetterlives.

Where do you begin to start change?

Sign up to Take Action.

Share the Tough Choices Challenge on your social media.

Houston Food Bank is proud to partner with Whataburger and the Houston Texans

Thank you to the organizations who are volunteering this month and many more.

“Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something.” – Max Lucado

Every Saturday in September, Houstonians can register to vote at Houston Food Bank during the morning volunteer shift from 8 am to noon.  We will also be doing voter registration at partner sites during September, dates TBA.

Houston Texans Huddle Against Hunger, presented by Kroger, kick-off for the 2024-2025 school year @ Garden Villas Elementary. Learn more about this free, fun, and informative curriculum designed to provide information on hunger and poverty to elementary, middle, and high school students!

We have the perfect match for you! Starting September 1, donations can make double the impact thanks to Friends of the Food Bank, who will match online donations up to $100,000 through September 30. Generous gifts will go twice as far to provide food for better lives. Make a contribution today.

During September, use #changeforbetterlives on social media to shine a light on the reality of food insecurity.