An educational program supported by the Houston Texans.

See, Learn, Understand Hunger.

See, Learn, Understand Hunger.

Huddle Against Hunger is a free curriculum designed to provide information on hunger and poverty to elementary, middle and high school students. This program includes:

In-the-classroom and at home curriculum

Volunteering/field trip to the Houston Food Bank or virtual option

Texans giveaways and certificates for students who complete the program

The Houston Texans and Houston Food Bank have created this partnership to create more empathy and understanding around hunger. The Houston Texans are proud supporters of the Houston Food Bank. Learn more about the Houston Texans community efforts!

If you have any questions or concerns regarding Huddle Against Hunger, please contact:

Activities and Recipes in the Curriculum

Volunteering/Field Trip Scheduling at HFB



The objective of Huddle Against Hunger is to create more empathy and understanding among elementary, middle and high school students about those who experience hunger. Huddle Against Hunger includes a curriculum designed for all ages and provides activities to better understand why there is a need for food assistance, and that youth are especially impacted when they lack enough nutritious food on a regular basis.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Register your group or class through our online form.
  2. Download the curriculum English | Spanish.
  3. Download the pre-and-post program quiz to help track progress.
  4. Complete the teacher survey for a chance to win a pep rally at your school!






Please use these resources to help support you through the Huddle Against Hunger program:

Huddle Against Hunger Program Curriculum: English |Spanish

Huddle Against Hunger Introductory Video

Printable Certificate of Completion

Houston Food Bank Research and Resources

Virtual Cooking Demonstrations

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Huddle Against Hunger is a curriculum that teachers can lead at their own pace in their classroom. The average length of time to complete the curriculum with activities is around 6 weeks.

The curriculum is adjustable for all ages and is recommended for health classes, nutrition, after-school programs for elementary, middle school and high school aged students.
It is recommended that classrooms complete the curriculum along with the included activities first followed by a field trip to the Houston Food Bank to volunteer.

Field trips can be scheduled by emailing
It is recommended to book your field trips to the Houston Food Bank as soon as possible to ensure your scheduled date is available.

Volunteer shifts typically max out at 400 people. It is important to scheduled your field trip as soon as possible to ensure the date and shift time that works best for your school.

Field trips take place Monday – Thursday from 8:00 – 12:00 p.m. or 1:00 – 4:00 p.m., or we can adjust for your school’s timing and needs. The trip and volunteer shift consists of:

  • A short intro video
  • Hands-on experience packing food, sorting donations, preparing bags for our Backpack Buddy program, etc.
  • All students will receive a token of appreciation for participating in the Huddle Against Hunger program
  • All schools who complete the curriculum and field trip will be eligible to win a visit from the Houston Texans and Houston Food Bank to your school. One school will be selected in the spring to win
  • Field trips take approximately 3 – 4 hours