Nourishing Our Neighbors Together

With around 1 million food insecure people in our 18-county service area, Houston Food Bank continues operating at elevated levels to meet the increased need. While providing nutritious food is the core of our mission, Houston Food Bank provides more than food. We provide access to programs and initiatives designed to offer nutritious food and meals for today, work toward lasting change for tomorrow, and address food insecurity and root causes of poverty. To achieve our vision of a world that doesn’t need food banks, please consider making a gift today to help our neighbors achieve long-term stability.

Make a gift today!

Your Impact

Your gift ensures the Houston Food Bank can continue to…

Shorten The Line

In Their Own Words

Our supporters share what motivates them to give to our hunger relief efforts.

Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation

Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation

Donor since 2018

"Steven & Alexandra Cohen Foundation is proud to partner with and support the Houston Food Bank in its mission to provide nutritious meals to food insecure people. Every person deserves to have food on the table, and we are grateful for their hunger relief efforts in Southeast Texas."

Benefits Of Your Partnership

As a Nourishing Our Neighbor supporter, Houston Food Bank recognizes your generosity through a variety of benefits including:

Customized private tour of our bustling Warehouse and Keegan Kitchen facilities

Private lunch with Houston Food Bank CEO and exclusive invites to our Chefs’ Dinner event

Invitations to donor stewardship events and State of the Food Bank presentation featuring CEO Brian Greene

Name recognition on HFB website, our Annual Report, and the Generous Helpings donor newsletter

Customized check presentation and volunteer opportunities with concierge service

Learn more about the benefits and gift levels that help in Nourishing Our Neighbors.


Nourishing Our Neighbors Donor Wall

In recognition of the individual donors whose generous financial support helps nourish our neighbors.
Together we are providing food for better lives!

Would you like to join us in Nourishing Our Neighbors and
have your name featured?

Make a gift today!


The Houston Food Bank upholds the Association of Fundraising Professionals’ (AFP) Code of Ethics, Association of Fundraising Professionals’ Donor Bill of Rights and Model Standards of Practice for the Charitable Gift Planner.

The Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) exists to foster the development and growth of fundraising professionals and the profession, to promote high ethical behavior in the fundraising profession and to preserve and enhance philanthropy and volunteerism.

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